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Enhance your property's appearance by using Lifeguard's Wet Look Gloss Water Based. Lifeguard Wet Look GIoss WB dries to a tough protective barrier that provides a highly reflective sheen.

Llfeguard Wet Look Gloss WB exceeds the performance of conventional waterbased products by using advanced cross-linking chemistry. This allows for excellent resistance to chemical staining, chemical attack, surface wear and efflorescence formation.

Lifeguard Wet Look Gloss WB is also very efective in stabilizing joint sand for interlocking pavers. Wet Look Gloss WB will minimize erosion by bonding with the sand particles within the joints. Lifeguard Wet Look GIoss WB can be used for both interior and exterior surface.


  • Scuff Resistant
  • Non-Yellowing
  • Stain Resistant